Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aubrey Beardsley

I chose this picture because of it's simplicity. The simplicity added to the nature of the picture as well as the character of the woman featured.

This piece had jester which added to the Masquerade nature of the piece. It was fun and I enjoyed looking at it.

I selected this piece off of humor along. It also demonstrated the overall sexual and lewd artwork that Beardsley created that was uncharacteristic of the time and the movement.

Beardsley is noted as the most controversial artist of the Art Nouveau Era, due to his dark and overly sexual images. People tended to speculate about his sexuality. He associated with a group of artists known as the "Homosexual Clique" which included author Oscar Wilde. There was also speculation that Beardsley had an "incestuous relationship with his elder sister, Mabel, who may have become pregnant by her brother and miscarried." Overall, sexuality seem to be a core issue behind Beardsley himself and a lot his artwork.


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