Monday, April 27, 2009

Alfons Maria Mucha

This was the most visually appealing to me.

Interest in Mucha's distinctive style experienced a strong revival in the 1960s (with a general interest in Art Nouveau) and is particularly evident in the psychedelic posters of Hapshash and the Coloured Coat, the collective name for two British artists, Michael English and Nigel Waymouth, who designed posters for groups such as Pink Floyd and The Incredible String Band.

This excerpt from Wikipedia made this artist much more relevant to me.

Album Art Over The Years




Helevetica: David Carson

David Carson is an American graphic designer. He is best known for his innovative magazine design, and use of experimental typography. He was the art director for the magazine Ray Gun. Carson was perhaps the most influential graphic designer of the nineties. In particular, his widely-imitated aesthetic defined the so-called "grunge" era


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Helevetica: Neville Brody

Movie Poster: 12


Nike Advertisement

Neville Brody is an English graphic designer, typographer, and art director.

Aubrey Beardsley

I chose this picture because of it's simplicity. The simplicity added to the nature of the picture as well as the character of the woman featured.

This piece had jester which added to the Masquerade nature of the piece. It was fun and I enjoyed looking at it.

I selected this piece off of humor along. It also demonstrated the overall sexual and lewd artwork that Beardsley created that was uncharacteristic of the time and the movement.

Beardsley is noted as the most controversial artist of the Art Nouveau Era, due to his dark and overly sexual images. People tended to speculate about his sexuality. He associated with a group of artists known as the "Homosexual Clique" which included author Oscar Wilde. There was also speculation that Beardsley had an "incestuous relationship with his elder sister, Mabel, who may have become pregnant by her brother and miscarried." Overall, sexuality seem to be a core issue behind Beardsley himself and a lot his artwork.


Helevetica: Michael C. Pace

Michael C. Pace considers himself to be a Modernist specializing in forward-thinking Graphic Design.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oskar Kokoschka

I chose this artist because of his name originally, but it turns out he was heavily inspired by the previous artist I chose, Gustav Klimit. Also, another quite spooky thing is that Oskar died 8 years before my birthday on February 22, 1980 and I was born February 22, 1988. Kokoschka is apart of the Expressionist movement, but raised during the Vienna Secession and his work is heavily influenced by that.